Thursday, October 22, 2009


I finally caved and decided to start a blog. I look at everyone elses and wish that I would document my life like that. So here goes...Corwin has decided to rename everybody in our family. He started out with my new name being Mom-do-it-all, Corwin-smarty party, Kellen Lego rama, Adri-Miss Sassy Pants, Kayson-Suck-a-thumb, Dad-worky work, Keaton-chubbuwubs. Aren't kids great?!!?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julie I saw your comment on Melissa's blog and wanted to say Hi. I'm excited that you decided to start one! We have one too, but ours is private- so if you're interested, go to and leave us your email. It'll be fun to keep updated on you guys.
